
Teamwod In Teams of 2 30 Min Amrap 2k Row You Go I Go Into 75 Syncro Single Arm DB Devil Press Max DB Box Step ups over in Rest Time You Go I Go


Freitag A) For Time 75/60 cal „Nur“ die ersten 5 Min EMOM 5 Boxjumps over  T.C 12 Min Anfänger Rudern Fortgeschrittene Assaultbike B)  3-5 Sets 8-12 Renegade Row + Push up 10-12 Strict Knee 2 Ellbows / Strict Knee 2 Chest


18:00 – 19:00  Uhr Yoga mit Rena ??‍♂️ 19:00 – 20:00 Uhr Gewichtheben ?️‍♀️ Clean & Jerk A) Complex 1 Hang Power Clean+ 1 Frontsquat + 1 STO B) EMOM 15‘ Min 1 Amrap Complex 50% Min 2 Amrap high Boxjumps Min 3 Rest


Mittwoch A) „Just You and a Ball“ 12 Min Amrap 12 unbroken Wallballs Scale 12 unbroken Medball Thruster B) Frontsquats o. Kettlebell Gobletsquats 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1 T.C. 18 Min    

Dienstag A) 15 Min Amrap 10 single DB walking Lunges 20 single DB Push Press 30 Double Unders B) Work on strict Pullups Work on Handstand

Montag 20.03.22

Montag A) E4MOM x4 400 m Run 10 Boxjump over 15 unbroken Russian KB Swings B) Deadlifts 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1 T.C. 15 Min  

Samstag 09:00 – 10:00 ? Gewichtheben Clean & Jerk 10:00 – 11:00 ? Gymnastik Kraft  

Freitag A) EMOM 15‘ 1: 1 Ropeclimb 2: 30 Sek Abmat Situps 3: 12 alt. Kettlebell C&J 4: 30 Sek Single Unders 30 Sek Double Under 5: Rest B) 3-5 Sets Max Reps strict Pullups Max Reps Push ups Rest as needed  

Donnerstag Gewichtheben ?️‍♀️ Hang Power Snatch         

A) E4MOM x4   16 Min 12 Slamball walking Lunges 12 Slamball over Shoulder 12 Burpees Make sure you have 1 Min Rest, If not scale down Reps or Weights B) Deadlift Find your daily 10 RM 3-5 Sets T.C. 15 Min