
Dienstag A) EMOM 1: Wallwalk 2: Pullup 3: Boxjump B) EMOM 1:  Kettlebell Press 2: Kettlebell Row 3: Kettlebell Swing    


Montag   A) E4MOM x3 1: 10/10 Bulgarian Split Squats 2: 12/10 cal Row B) E2MOM x5 12 Goblet Squats 12/10 cal Assault Bike


Samstag Teamwod 30 Min Amrap 10-20-30-20-10 Synchro Devil Press Syncro Cal Row 10-20-30-20-10 Synchro American KB Swings Syncro Boxjump over  

Donnerstag Gewichtheben ?️‍♀️ Snatch Complex Boxjumps Backsquats


Mittwoch Metcon:  12 Min Amrap 36 Single Under 18 Russian KBS (24/16kg) 9 Wall Balls (9/6kg) Strenght:  Work on Strict Pullups


Dienstag Warm up: Mobi Hüfte Squat Prep KB-Swings Workout:  E4MOMx5 10 unbroken Backsquats 15 KB-Swings 12/10 cals on Erg of Choice approaches: Its ok to breath hart but don’t go to the dark place. Make sure you got a minute of rest. If not, scale down your weights or cals.

Montag A) Pullup Training  5 Sets strict Pullups for Reps Scrore= beste und schlechteste Runde T.C. 15 Min Metcon 15 Min Amrap 150-100-75-50-25 Single Unders 50-40-30-20-10 American KB Swing 5-4-3-2-1 Wallwalks Max Double Unders in Rest Time Zubringer Tabata Bizeps Pump  ??


Donnerstag   Gewichtheben / Snatch A) 5 Sets 1 Power Snatch 1 Hang Power Snatch 1 OHS B) 3×5 OHS C) EMOM 10‘ 1: 5 Power Snatch 2: 5 high Boxjumps