Workout Dienstag
Warm up:
5 Min
20 m Bearcrawl
20 m Crabwalk
5 x 1 Wallwalk + üben frei zu stehen
Metcon :
For Time
1000 m Row
3 Rounds
10 strict Pullups / Scale strict +Band / Ringrows
10 strict Knees to Ellbows / Scale Knees to Chest
10 Push ups
10 Burpee Boxjums
800 m Row
3 Rounds
7 strict Pullups / Scale strict +Band / Ringrows
7 strict Knees to Ellbows / Scale Knees to Chest
7 Push ups
7 Burpee Boxjumps
500 m Row
3 Rounds
5 strict Pullups / Scale strict +Band / Ringrows
5 strict Knees to Ellbows / Scale Knees to Chest
5 Push ups
5 Burpee Boxjumps
T.C. 25 Min