
Mittwoch A) E3MOM x5 5 Deadlifts 75% 15/12 cal Assaultbike 15/12 cal Row 15/12 cal Ski Change Erg every Round B) Metcon  21-15-9 Buy in 50 Russian Swings American Swings Wallballs Burpees Buy out 50 Jumping Lunges  


Dienstag A) Handstand Skill   B) E4MOM x5 1 Power Clean + 5 strict Press 70% 5 strict Pullups + 5 strict K2E 50 DU’s T.C. 4 Min each Round    


Montag Teamwod Hyrox Style  

Sonntag Restday 


Freitag X-Mas Total  1 RM strict Press 1 RM Backsquat 1 RM Deadlift


Donnerstag 17:30 – 18:45 Yoga 🧘🏻‍♀️ 19:00 – 20: 00 Uhr Barbellcycling


Mittwoch A) 4 Rounds for Time 5/5 KB Clean&Jerk 10 Box Jump step down 15 Abmat Sit-ups 20 Double Unders RX 24/16 kg T.C. 20 Min B) Core Teams of 2 5x 5/5 Turkish Sit-ups AHAP


Dienstag A) Strict Press 5-4-3-2-1 70-75-80-85-90 % B) EMOM 5 strict Pullups 10 Push ups 15/12 cal Erg of Choice C) Tabata Bar Hang


Montag A) Backsquats E3MOM 15 5-4-3-2-1 70% -75%-80%-85%-90% B) Metcon 10 Min Amrap 2-4-6-8-10 +2 DB Snatch Cal Erg of Choice C) Core