
Freitag Strenght  5 Sets Max Reps strict HSPU / Pike Push ups strict K2E/ knee Raises   Metcon  Teams of 2 For Time 100 Burpees Partner Hold L-Sit T.C. 10 min


Donnerstag 17:30 – 18:45 Yoga 19:00 – 20:00 Weightlifting ??‍♀️  C&J


Mittwoch Heavy Day  Deadlift 5-5-5 3-3-3 1-1-1 Zubringer  Good Morning Suitcase Carry


Dienstag Strenght EMOM 14‘  5Rnds 1: strict Pullups 2: single Arm DB strict Press 3: Rest Metcon Amrap 15 5 Double DB GTO 10 Renegade Row 15 Situps


Montag Strenght Backsquat Find your daily 5 RM T.C. 20 Min Metcon  Team of 2 Amrap 12‘ 10-12-14-16 +2Reps Wallballs Row Cals

Samstag Teamwod Teams of 2  Min 0-6 400m KB Farmers Walk Min 6-12 Amrap KB Thruster Min 12-18 400m KB Farmers Walk Min 18-24 Amrap American KB Swings Farmers Walks = Syncro KB = you go i go


Freitag W.O.D Strenght Find your 1 RM KB Complex Double KB Strict Press Double KB S2O Double KB Thruster Metcon Amrap 15 5/5 KB Strict Press 5/5 KB hang Power C&J 15 American KB Swings 15/12 cal Row / Ski / Bike Switch Erg every Round

Donnerstag   Snatch

Mittwoch A) 5 Rounds not for Time 1 Ropeclimb Max Reps strict T2B / Knee Raises ca. 1 Min Rest Metcon Teams of 2 Amrap 12 Min 200 m Run Syncro 100 cal Row YGIG 100 cal Bike YGIG

D-D-D Double Under Deadlift Dienstag