
A) Kraft  E3MOM x 5 Max Reps Push Max Reps Hip Flex (Core) RX strict Ring Dips strict Knees to Ellbows Scale Push ups / Push ups + Band Hanging Knee Raises B) Metcon  „Aphrodite“ RX 50-40-30-20-10 Burpees Sit-ups Airsquats Scale 25-20-15-10-5 Burpees Sit-ups Airsquats T.C. 16 Min  


Montag Gobletsquats & Erg‘s


Freitag A) E3MOM x5 1 Power Clean 3 strict Press 6 Push Press 15 unbroken Ringrows 75% 1RM strict Press   B) Metcon Amrap 13‘ Teams of 2 You Go I Go 2 Ropeclimbs 4 Wallwalks 30/24 Cal Row  


Donnerstag 20 Min Amrap             Teams of 2           Split Reps as you want 20 DB Deadlifts 20 DB Snatch 20 DB S20 20 DB Lunges 20 Double Unders 20/15 cal Erg of Choice RX 1x 22.5/1x 15kg


Mittwoch A) E3MOM x5 5 Deadlifts 70% 1 RM 10 Goblet Squats RX 24/16 kg B) Amrap 11 Min Teams of 2 You Go I Go 5 KB Box step over 24/16 kg 6 Wallballs 9/6 kg 7 Burpees 8 American Swings 24/16


Dienstag A) Flugsimmulator 5 Min 10-20-30-40-50…. +10 Single Unders 1-2-3-4-5 Sek + 1 Handstandhold B) E3MOM x5 1 Set Max Reps strict Pullups 15/12 cal Erg of Choice Change Erg every Round C) 12 Min Amrap RX 10 x Hanging Hip Tap 30 Airsquats 30 Plank Shoulder Taps 30 walking Lunges 30 Double Unders Scale […]


Montag A) For Time 30 Backsquats 60% 1 RM every Time you Break your Set do 15/12 cal Erg of Choice T.C. 15 Min B) 10 Min Amrap 2-4-6-8-10 +2 alt DB Snatch 1,2,3,4,5 + 1 Shuttle Run 1 = 1x Schlittenbahn 20 m


Freitag A) For Time 25 strict Press 75% 1RM Barbell on Floor do a Clean every Time you break up your Set  B) 13 Min Amrap 21 Double Unders 15 American KB-Swings 9 strict Pullups 6 Knee Raises 3 Wallwalks  


Donnerstag 17:30 – 18:45 Yoga 19:00 – 20:00 W.O.D Barbellcycling  medium Weight &  high Reps Barbellmovements  learn to move a barbell as efficiently as possible