
A) EMOM 14 Min  30 Sek on 30 Sek off 1: alt. DB Snatch 2: DB Push Press 3: DB Halo 4: Amrap Burpee over DB 5: Rest B) Work on: strict Pullups & Handstand  


A) Technik Rower B) Metcon Teams of 2 15 Min Amrap 5 Syncro Goblet Squats 10 Syncro KB Frontrack Walking Lunges 15/12 cal Row You Go I Go C) Frontsquat  Find you Daily 5 RM Squat Varianten: Kettlebell Frontrack, Double KB Frontrack o. Barbell Frontsquat T.C 15 Min Work with a Partner    


Restday Get out of the Gym ??? Macht einen Spaziergang und zeigt wie schön Ostfriesland ist. Verlinkt uns mit dem #Restday


18:00 – 19:00 Uhr Yoga mit Rena ?‍♀️ 19:00 – 20:00 Gewichtheben A) Complex 1 Power Clean 1 Hang Power Clean 1 Frontsquat 1 Jerk B) EMOM 10‘ 5 C&J 7-10 Boxjumps


A) 50-40-30-20-10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 15-12-9-6-3 Push ups B) 3-5 Sets 5-8 Barbell Strict Press AHAP 12-15 Ring Rows  


A) 12 Min Amrap 3 Goblet Squats 6 Burpees 12 alt. KB Clean & Jerk 24 Double Unders B) Find your Daily 5 RM Backsquat T.C. 20 Min Work with a Partner


Montag A) E4MOM x 4 1 Wallwalk 5 strict Pullups 15 American KB Swings 15/12 cal Row, Ski, Run or Bike Make sure you get 1 Min Rest each Round B) 3-5 Sets 5 Bench Press AHAP 10-12 DB o. KB Bent over Row T.C 15 min  

Sonntag Restday