
Dienstag A) 5 Rounds not for Time 2 Ropeclimbs 8/8 Kettlebell Snatch T.C. 25 Min B) 8 Min Amrap 3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24-27-30+3 Slamball Smash 7/12kg Double Unders Cal Erg Row-Ski-Bike Change Erg every Round


Montag Montag  Kraft  Barbell Complex Power Clean &  strict Press 3×5 85% 3×3 90% 3×1 95% T.c. 18 min  Metcon  AMRAP 10 min  Teams of 2  1 work 1 OH KB hold  10 American Swings  10 Push press  10 airsquats  10 jumping squats


Donnerstag today‘s Barbellcycling   


Freitag A) Pump EMOM 15‘ Min 1: 30 Sek TUT Deadlifts Min 2: 30 Sek TUT Frontsquats into 30 Sek Amrap KB Swings Min 3: Rest B) Puste Fight gone Bad Style Work For Max Reps 1 Round For Reps 2 Round beet your  Reps 40 Sek on 20 Sek off Row-Bike-Boxjumps-Double Under-Burpees Total Time […]


Dienstag A) Kraft  5 Rounds for Quality 1 Power Clean + Amrap strict Press 70% 2 Rope Climbs B) Metcon  Amrap 10‘ 12 seated DB Curl & Press 12 Burpee over DB    


Montag Deadlift Chipper For Time Timecap 25 Min 50 Deadlifts 75% 60 Goblet Squats RX 24/16kg KB 75 cal 50 Row / 25 Bike 100 Double Unders


CrossFriesland Open WOD Version 28 Min Amrap Teams of 2 60 cal Row 50 Situps 40 Wallballs 30 Cleans 50% 1RM 20 strict Pullups/  Ringrows 10 Ring Dips  / Push ups/ DB Bench Press You Go I Go  


We call it „Zirkeltraining“ 3 Stationen