
Mittwoch Warm up  KB Swing Progression Rep up to your 5×5 DL Weight Metcon For Time 9-7-5-3-1 Deadlifts 250-500-750-1000m Row Workout starts  with DL & ends with DL Row between Sets (DL 5×5 Weight) T.C. 20 Min Finisher  10-15 KB Swings AHAP 10-12 DB Death March


Dienstag A)  Skill / Stenght E2MOM 1 Wallwalk + üben kontrolliert zu stehen B)  22 min Amrap Buy in 1500/1200 m Row into 21-15-9 Burpee Pullups American KB- Swings into Max Reps Ropeclimbs RX 24/16kg KB Finisher 3 Sets 10-12 Bizeps Curls as heavy as possible    


Montag A) Find your 5RM Thruster T.C. 20 Min B) Metcon earn the Ergs 3 Rounds 3 Min on 2 Min off 15 Thruster 40% 10 Burpee over Bar 12/10 cal Row Max cal Ski Erg Score=  Cals Erg  

Sonntag Restday 


Freitag Preperation 3 Sets 15/12 cal Row 5 Burpees over Rower as fast as possible Rest as needed minimum 2 Min. Metcon 20 Min For Time into Amrap A) For Time 27-21-15-9 Cal Row Burpees over Rower Rest 2 Min B) Amrap 3-6-9-12-15… +3 cal Row Burpees over Rower   Score = Time Part A […]


Donnerstag 17:30-18:45 Mobility 19:00-20:00 Gewichtheben A) E2MOM x5 Complex 1 Power Clean 2 Hang Power Clean 3 Frontsquats B) Find your 5 RM Hang Power Clean  

Mittwoch A) Strenght Build up to a Heavy Set of 10 Deadlifts T.C. 20 Min B) Metcon Teams of two 15 Min total Row 2000 m  into Amrap 20 Boxjumps 20 DB Snatch 20 Wallballs one Work one Rest


Dienstag A) Strenght and Skill 3-5 Sets Wallwalk Push ups Hollow Position B)  Metcon 3 Rnds 2 Min on 1 Min off Run 200m Max Reps DB S2O


Montag A) Backsquats Teams of two 20 min Amrap Backsquats every 10 reps increase the weight 1 Work 1 Rest B) Metcon 2×5 Min Amrap 2 Min Rest  5 Burpees 10 Airsquats 20 Walking Lunges 10 Burpees 20 Jump Squats 40 Jumping Lunges