Sonntag Restday   Keep calm there is no Assaultbike on Restdays  


Samstags Teamwod Teams of 2  Running Clock 5 Min Intervalls Min 0-5 400 m Run both Min 5-10 Amrap Slamball pick up & let down You Go I Go Min 10 – 15 400 m run both Min 15 – 20 Amrap Slamball Walking Lunges You Go I Go At Min 20 For Time 400 […]


Freitag A) For Quality 3-5 Sets Max Reps Strict Pullups o. Ringrows into Max Distanz Handwalk o. 1-2 Wallwalks Rest as needed T.C. 15 Min B) For Time 10-20-30-40-50 Single Unders Sit-ups 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Situps T.C. 15 Min    


Mittwoch CrossFriesen Standard EMOM 14  5 Rounds Min 1: 5 Deadlifts Min 2: Erg of Choice for Cal Min 3: Rest   Finisher EMOM x3  15  American KB Swings into Tabata Burpee over KB


Dienstag 5 Rounds 1 Min Amrap strict Cindy 30 Sek Rest 1 Min alt. Kettlebell C&J for Reps and Load 30 Sek Rest After EMOM Directly into 120/100 cal Erg of Choice for Time


Montag CROSSFRIESEN STANDARD EMOM 14   5 Rounds 1: Squat 5 Reps 2: cal Erg of Choice 3: Rest    

12 Days of Easter 1  Box facing Box Jump 2  Box Step up 3  lateral Box Jump over 4  DB walking Lunges 5  DB Squats 6 DB GTO 7 DB Thruster 8 DB S2O 9 Burpee over DB 10 DB Devil Press 11 DB Box step up over 12 DB Burpee Box Step up Over […]


Silent WOD alles wie immer nur ohne Musik ? For Time Teams of 2 40 Slamball over Shoulder 300m Slamball Carry 60 KB Frontrack Walking Lunges 300m KB Farmers Carry 90 Plate GTO 300m Plate Overhead Carry 100 Wallballs 300m Medball Run