
Gewichtheben ?️‍♀️ A) Complex 1 hang Snatch 1 OHS x3 für  5 Sets B) EMOM x 10 30 Sek on 30 Sek off on Power Snatch odd high Box Jumps  


5 Rounds 5 strict Pullups 5 Deadlifts 60% 1RM 300m Run 5 Deadlifts 60% 1RM Max unbroken strict Pullups 1:30 Min Rest T.C 25 Min Score = all strict Pullups  

09:00-10:00 Samstag Teamwod 5 RFT You Go I Go 10 Muscle ups / Pullups 20 Wallballs 15 KB Ground to Overhead 20/18 cal Row Reps im Team und  aufteilen wie man möchte T.C. 20 Min ________________________________________________________________________________ 10:00-11:00 Gymnastics

Renas B-Day WOD

Freitag Rena´s B-Day WOD Teams of 2 Running Clock A) For Time 0-10 Syncro 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpees Shuttle Run between Sets B) Min 10-20 Amrap You Go I Go 90 KB-Swings 40 DB Box Step over C) For Time 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Syncro Devil Press Shuttle Run + DB between Sets T.C. 30 Min


Donnerstag A)  Snatch Complex hang Snatch + OHS x5  x5   B) EMOM 10 Min  30 Sek on 30 Sek off on Power Snatch odd Boxjumps


warm up KB-Swing Progression   A) Deadlift 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 T.C. 18 Min B) Metcon Teams of 2 You Go I Go 5 RFT 5 Deadlifts 10 Hand to Hand  KB Swings 12/10 cal Assaultbike Deadlift 50% des schwersten Lift aus Part A T.C. 15 Min


A) EMOM 14 Min  30 Sek on 30 Sek off 1: alt. DB Snatch 2: DB Push Press 3: DB Halo 4: Amrap Burpee over DB 5: Rest B) Work on: strict Pullups & Handstand  


A) Technik Rower B) Metcon Teams of 2 15 Min Amrap 5 Syncro Goblet Squats 10 Syncro KB Frontrack Walking Lunges 15/12 cal Row You Go I Go C) Frontsquat  Find you Daily 5 RM Squat Varianten: Kettlebell Frontrack, Double KB Frontrack o. Barbell Frontsquat T.C 15 Min Work with a Partner