
Donnerstag 17:30 -18:45 Yoga ??‍♀️ 19:00-20:00 Barbellcycling ??‍♂️ A)  Complex Find your Daily 1RM 1 Power Clean 1 Frontsquat 1 Hang Power Clean 1 Frontsquat T.C. 20 Min B)  15 Min  Partner Amrap  You Go I Go 1 Complex =1 Rep 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Complex aus A Last 50% schwerster aus A           […]


Mittwoch A) 5-5-5 strict Press 5-5-5 Push Press 5-5-5 Jerk T.C. 20 Min B) 13 Min Amrap 3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24+3 S2O Burpee over Bar Gewicht 60% schwerster Satz aus A 


Dienstag A)  5 Sets 1 Wallwalk + practice standing 20-30 Sec. Hollow Rocks B) Metcon Partner Amrap You Go I Go 5 Wallballs 10 Goblet Lunges 15 American KB Swings 20 Medball Partner Sit-ups   RX KB 24/16kg Ball  9/6kg Scale KB 16/12kg Ball 6/4kg  


What the „HELLen“ Running Clock Min 0-15 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 21 KB Swings 24/16kg 12 strict Pullups Min 15-30 Find your 3 RM Deadlift


Samstag Ballern  A) Work for max Burpee Boxjumps over Intervalls 2-2-2-2-3 Min Work 2 Min Rest Buy in 5 DB Devil Press 15/12 cal Assaultbike Max Reps Burpee Boxjumps over RX 2×17,5kg 2x15kg B) Tabata Assaultbike C) call 112


Freitag Cindy goes Crazy  25 Min Amrap Work with a Partner You Go I Go 5 strict Pullups 5 Deadlifts 10 double DB S2O 10 Push ups 15 American KB Swings 15 Airsquats   RX 100/70 kg Bar  17,5kg/15kg  DB‘s  24/16kg KB  Scale  Bar 50% 1RM DL  Banded Pull & Push ups  DB 12,5kg / […]

Donnerstag Barbellcycling  increase Weight in each Set A) 4 Sets 5 hang Power Cleans B)  4 Sets 5 Push Press C)  4 Sets 5 Sumo Deadlifts high Pull D) For Time 21-15-9 Sumo Deadlift high Pull Push Press Hang Power Clean Bar Weight 50% heaviest Set Push Press  

MITTWOCH warm up: KB Progressions KB-Swing Progression KB Clean Progression   A)  KB Complex Kettlebell Complex for Max Load 3 KB Hang Power Clean and Jerk links Hand to Hand Swing 3 KB  Hang Power Clean and Jerk rechts Metcon: Amrap 12 10/10  single Arm KB Thruster 20 alternating Kettlebell Clean and Jerk 30 American […]


Dienstag A) 5 Sets Wallwalk + stand (free if you can) 10-12 Hollowrocks B) 20 Min Amrap 1500/1200 m Row 10 Rounds strict Cindy 5-10-15 Pullups – Push ups – Airsquats into Amrap Double Unders


Montag  EMOM 25 Min 0-19 Min 1: 5 Deadlifts 70% 1RM Min 2: 15/12 cal Erg 1 Min 3: 12 alt. DB Snatch Min 4: 15/12 cal Erg 2 Min 5 Rest Minute 20 – 25 Amrap Burpees over Bar