Sonntag Restday


Samstag  Janna’s Geburtstags Workout Amrap 29 Work with a Partner 8 Ropeclimbs You Go I Go 10 syncro Boxjumps 19 syncro Frontsquats 93 cal Row Yo Go I Go


Freitag E8MOM x3 A)  21-15-9-6 Goblet Squats American KB Swings B) 15-12-9 KB Frontrack Squats right side KB Frontsquats Squats left side Russian Swings C) 9-6-3 KB Thruster right side KB Thruster left side KB Squat Clean right side KB Squat Clean left side   RX 24/16kg Kettlebell 


Barbellcycling    A)  Complex 3-2-1 hang Power Clean Frontsquats 5 Sets for Max Load B)  18 Min Amrap 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10… Deadlift Power Clean hang Power Clean Frontsquats S2O 50% des besten Complex aus Part A 

Mittwoch A)  Find your daily  3 RM Deadlift   B) Death by EMOM 5 Deadlifts 5 Wallballs add 1 Wallball every Round RX 100/70 kg 9/6 kg scale 60% von A 6/4 kg C)  Rumpf is Trumpf    

Dienstag A)  EMOM 15‘ 1: 30 Sek Amrap strict Pullups 2: Amrap alt.  KB C&J 3: Rest B)  EMOM 15‘ 1 : 30 Sek Amrap Push ups 2: Amrap American KB Swings 3: Rest RX 24/16 scale Band Pull ups / Band Push ups


Feiertags-Teamwod In Teams of 3 35 min Amrap All Movements with a Plate 20/15 kg 1 Work 2 Rest exception the Run 400m run 90 Plate GTO 90 Plate OH Walking Lunges 90 Burpees to Plate 90 Plate Squats 90 Burpee to Plate 90 cal Row (one holds Plate OH) 90 cal Bike (one holds […]


Samstag „Ballern“  5 Rounds for Time 10 Pullups 12 Thruster 500m Row o. Ski RX 40/30kg T.C. 25 Min


Freitag W.O.D A)  KB Complex Find your RM Complex in 15 Min 5 Double KB Hang Clean 5 KB Frontsquats B) Teams of 2 5Min Amrap Box Step ups into 10min Amrap 5 Syncro Push ups 20 Sandbag to Shoulder You Go I Go 15/12 cal Row You Go I Go