Freitag A 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 unbroken Russian Kettlebell Swings B  E2MOM 10‘ 10 Goblet Squats Amrap 5 American 10 Hand to Hand Swings 3 Min Rest C E2MOM 10‘ 10 Walking Lunges  + Amrap Freestyle Swings 10 k Challenger Finish all 500 Reps      


Weightlifting meets Swing Challenge  7 Min Amrap 10 Barbell Power Clean 10 Kettlebell Swings Take 3 Min Rest and add more weight to the barbell 7 Min Amrap 5 Barbell Power Clean 15 Kettlebell Swings Take 3 Min Rest and add more weight to the barbell 7 Min Amrap 3 Barbell Power Clean 20 Kettlebell […]


Mittwoch Warm up 3 Runden 10 Swings 10 Kettlebell Halo A EMOM 14 Min 1: 30 Sek Max Reps  Push strict HSPU o. DB strict Press Min 2: Max Reps Kettlebell Swings Min 3: Rest B 12 Min Amrap  5-10-15 Swings American – Hand to Hand – Russian E2MOM RX 2  Wallwalks Scale 1 Wallwalk […]


  A  not for Time 10-9-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 cal Row KB-Swings B Amrap 15 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 … 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18 … strict Pullups Hand to Hand Swings C Max Reps unbroken Ringrows Max Reps unbroken Russian Swings Rest as needed 10k Challenger  Finish all 500 Reps in any order you want    

10K Swing Challenge  A) Warm up & Technik Drills B) Strenght  Find your heaviest KB Complex 1 hang Power Clean 1 Frontsquat x 3 C) Teams of 4 For Time T.C. 30 Min Every Team Member do 300 KB Swings EMOM 0-6   5 syncro Goblet Squats (2 Pers). EMOM 7-12  10 syncro jumping Lunges […]

Samstag  10 k Challenge First 100 Reps Warm up & Technik 50 Reps Long KB Complex 300 Reps Teamwod Teamwod 25 Min Amrap  KB Swings 1 Work 1 Rest 10  Min American Swings EMOM 3 Boxjumps 8 Min Hand to Hand Swings EMOM 3 Burpees 7 Min Alt. Split Swings EMOM 3 KB Squat Finish to […]


WOD Freitag   Kraft  EMOM 14 1: 5 strict Press AHAP 2: 10/10 Split Stance one Arm KB-Swings Metcon  21-18-15-12-9-6-3-6-9-15-18-21 American KB-Swings Push ups T.C. 18 Min 10k Challenger  Finish all missing Reps with Russian Swings to 500 Reps


Mittwoch Warm up 10 x 10 Swings 10/8 cal Row Strenght 5 Sets 5 Backsquats AHAP 15 Russian Swings Metcon  For Time 75 American Swings 100 Hand to Hand Swigs 125 Russian Swings Every Break 12/10 cal Erg of Choice T.C. 20 Min 10k Challenger Finish the 500 Reps with Russian Swings after the Metcon


10 k Challenge  Full Body Kettlebell Workout First 100 Reps Warm up & Technik Drills Metcon 300 Reps Total for Time 1 Min Work 30 Sek Rest  T.C. 30 Min Kettlebell Hike Pass Kettlebell Snatch C&J Hand to Hand Swing American Swing   10k Challenger  Finisch all Reps for 500 with Russian Swings not for […]


10k Swing Challenge 100 Swings Warm up & Technik Drills 300 Swings  Metcon 100 Swings after Metcon not for Time Metcon  300 Russian Swings for Time every Time you break up a Set of Swings do 1 Round of strict Cindy strict Cindy = 5 Pullups 10 Push ups 15 Airsquats T.C. 30 Min Rest […]